Infertility is seen in 15-20% of all married couples, with a woman being a cause of infertility in 55-65% of cases.
In the majority of infertile women and those who have their ovaries removed, there is a hormonal imbalance caused by the central and peripheral endocrine regulation dysfunction.
Sexual activity is also an important part of a women’s emotional and physical health. According to experts, 40% of women have sexual disorders that are manifested as a lack of sexual desire.
One of the key reasons for a lack of sexual desire in women is a decline in the testosterone level.
High physical and mental overstrain, which is a part of a modern life, leads to increased prevalence of sexual disorders in a greater number of young men. A decline in testosterone production and pelvic blood supply is seen with age that has a negative impact on the erectile and reproductive function (spermatogenesis).
The saponin-containing medicinal herbs have an effect on the body’s mechanism of hormonal regulation both in men and women. Such natural components as ginkgo biloba and magnolia vine are able to ensure an adequate pelvic blood supply and optimal tone.