Despite a complicated economic situation in the Ukraine and in the world, Nutrimed steadily pursues its development strategy and implements new development.

In May 2020, our company launches on the pharmaceutical market new phyto therapeutic complexes having unique composition that are aimed at stimulation of the immune system by influencing the key immune chains so as to reduce the risk of respiratory infections.

IMUNSIL® is a modern natural immunostimulant containing β-glucan and coneflower and elder-berry extract that assist rapid adaptation of the immune system to seasonal respiratory diseases.

IMUNSIL® D3 for the first time combined β-glucan, vitamin D3 and zinc for a durable protection of the immune system without its excessive stimulation during unfavourable conditions and compensation of deficit of vitamin D3 and zinc.

Learn more about new products here:



Імунсил® та Імунсил® D3 - розумне зміцнення імунітету